الرئيسية / أخبار / A training workshop in Thi Qar on international human rights agreements and the importance of the universal periodic report (UPR)

A training workshop in Thi Qar on international human rights agreements and the importance of the universal periodic report (UPR)

IWJF: Thi Qar

The Iraqi Women Journalists’ Forum, in cooperation with “Sawtha” Network for Women Human Rights Defenders, held in Dhi Qar from 28-29 August a training workshop on the protection of women journalists and activists and the preparation of the universal periodic report (UPR)with the participation of 15 women journalists and activists.

On the first day, the training was attended by a member of “Sawtuha” network in Dhi Qar Rabab al-Ziadi.

The second day included the definition of the Universal Periodic Report, the role of civil society in monitoring, documentation and reporting, the mechanism of writing the report and the means of communication with the Universal Periodic Report Committee in Geneva and how to publicize the recommendations of the report and communicate with the relevant authorities.

The activity concluded with work groups for the trainees in the main elements of the report and how to follow up the recommendations.

It is worth mentioning that the workshop is sponsored by Canadian Alternatives Organization within the project of protection and safety of journalists and human rights defenders in Iraq, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen.

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