الرئيسية / أخبار / Discussion on the restoration of the Ministry of Women and the Personal Status Law

Discussion on the restoration of the Ministry of Women and the Personal Status Law

Sawtuha: Baghdad

Mr. Hassan Karim al-Kaabi, First Deputy Speaker of the Council of Representatives, received in his office on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, the delegation of the “Elite Coalition”, which includes “Sawtuha” network for women human rights defenders and other organizations and personalities, to discuss the institutional framework for women and legislation guaranteeing the rights of this segment, especially the personal status law.

The delegation, headed by Mrs. Zeinab Al-Ghorabi, reviewed the most important activities carried out by the coalition in terms of legislation, women and media, and the results achieved after the media campaign organized by the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum regarding the restoration of the Ministry of Women, and the importance of having a voice for women within the Council of Ministers with clear executive and administrative powers.

The First Vice-President welcomed the delegation appreciating the role played by the “Elite Coalition”. The House of Representatives, in its current session, was keen to accelerate the legislation in support of women, the family and children, especially since the Parliamentary Women’s Committee is one of the active committees and is working to follow up all legislation in this regard, stressing the importance of the institutional framework for women and building an executive formation within the Council of Ministers with powers to ensure women’s rights.

During the meeting, they discussed the inclusion of items in some laws  to protect women, family and children from domestic violence and follow up the implementation of these laws, in addition to the importance of preserving the gains achieved through the Personal Status Law, in particular the article on mother custody of children in reference to the statement issued by “Sawtuha” network for women human rights defenders, in this regards.

The delegation of the “Elite Coalition” included a number of specialized activists, including the Academy Dr. Balqees Mohammed Jawad and the Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum Dr. Nibras Al Mamory, President of the Arab Union for Specialized Women, Ms. Fatina Baban, Lawyer Raja ‘Abd Ali and Ahmed Abbas for “Sawtuha” network for women human rights defenders, Mr. Kamel Amin for the Ministry of Justice, in addition to the media Amal Al-Shuwaili and the Head of the Coalition Ms. Zainab Al-Ghorabi.

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