الرئيسية / أخبار / Fine art reflects the role of women in the prevention of corona virus through the # Your love – my protection

Fine art reflects the role of women in the prevention of corona virus through the # Your love – my protection

Within the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum campaign, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, to prevent corona virus, the forum completed an artwork entitled (Your Love is my Protection), the work included an artistic painting that reflects the role of women in devoting love and affection within the family and how it can be a source of happiness far from the fear experienced by most families due to the Corona virus.
The painting translated through the colors an important role for the woman as a barrier to the spread of the epidemic and she is able to keep her family by staying at home and overcoming them with the virus with the correct protection.

It is mentioned that the painting, drawn by artist Enas Ghazi, size 70 * 50 using acrylic colors, is the first of its kind in Iraq that adopts the issue of women in fighting the virus.

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