الرئيسية / أخبار / Head IWJF.. Dr. Nibras Al Mamory during the US Embassy’s International Press Freedom Day

Head IWJF.. Dr. Nibras Al Mamory during the US Embassy’s International Press Freedom Day

Warm Greetings from the iwjf to all colleagues in the universe on World Press Freedom Day


Iraqi women journalist’s forum, optimistic about the achievements made by the media in overcoming the difficult circumstances of people with complex social fabric, that is why we were optimistic when we went out to the field to launch the media campaign to defend the rights of women in taking decision-making positions, it is a campaign launched in stages by the IWJF seven years ago, and it is still going, now we are going through the stage of #let_her_decide, continuing to the next stages, until all women fulfill their potential

In the context of optimism, IWJF regarding its role in providing media support for the electoral process, launched a poll on “The opinion of the male and female electorate in the nomination of women as candidates in the upcoming elections and the factors that could affect the chances of winning in the Iraqi parliament elections”, the poll were conducted in the capital Baghdad and five provinces represent samples of all Iraqi ethnics to be an important tool for Media and the Electoral Commission regarding Women matters is the Elections

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, we released our annual report on violations against female journalists during a year in which we recorded 12 cases of murder, threats, and extortion, accompanied by 47 cases of murder, threat and kidnapping to our colleagues the male journalists, this is an evidence that Iraq remains the most dangerous security and media environment for journalists

Despite the change and the atmosphere of democracy and all the rights, justice and equality guaranteed by the Constitution, but women working in media field still suffer institutional violations of their rights, perhaps the most prominent violation was to steal women’s quota in the Iraqi media network, with the blessing of institutions and personalities claiming to support women

Despite the cruelty of our media environment and the use of vicious means for reputation damage by some tendentious people to stop the continuous work of the IWJF. However, our female colleagues set up an advanced stage of the work of the military correspondence, as they broadcasted to their video, audio and print media institutions, from the frontline along with the Iraqi fighters against “ISI

Dear guests, twelve female war correspondents, stayed the night in the harsh cold weather of the desert, and endured heat of the sun, using their media establishments and electronic technologies in the social media from the depth of the threat of terrorism, indifferent to death, martyrs of the media profession. Unfortunately, they were excluded from honoring in the ceremony of “Baghdad is the capital of the Arab media”, and we do not know what is the benefit of denying professional and moral right for media women. We are not being needy and demanding, but we will always stand up for what is right, and we will keep our work in supporting women in the media field

:What do we want

.Increase the interest and professionalism of women journalists-

 .Creating a legal structure that limits violations and breaches-

– Ending the abuse and defamation through the social media regarding women in general and journalists in particular and create a deterrent legal environment, a Social press is a window to freedom of expression, do not steal our society this freedom by the immoral use of the social press

Dealing equally with the files of corruption that spread through and permeated even the Fourth Estate, and here we do not exclude what was governmental or non-governmental, international or regional, and this is our hope to those concerned, especially the UN mission

Finally, I take this occasion to salute the female colleagues who exercised their democratic right to run for the Parliament, warning them not to go into the propaganda area of entities that harm the democratic process in Iraq and the world and spread corruption

May Iraq always enjoy prosperity … may the unknown soldiers in the world of journalism always be safe… may all my media colleagues are always safe

.Thanks to all those who took part in this ceremony

Dr.Nibras al Mamory

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