الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraq is the first country in the region to adopt a national day to combat sexual violence during armed conflicts

Iraq is the first country in the region to adopt a national day to combat sexual violence during armed conflicts


The President of the Iraqi Journalists Women Forum, Ms. Nibras Al-Mamouri, congratulated all female activists and civil society organizations on the occasion of the Iraqi government’s decision to adopt the 19th of June every year as a national day for the elimination of sexual violence in the event of conflict
The Iraqi Media Journalist Women expresses its solidarity with the government in order to support and empower Iraqi women to continue their achievements in all fields, and to address the psychological effects, shocks and consequences of the violations, acts of violence and massacres committed against them by terrorist gangs
The Forum also commends the role played by Dr. Bushra Al-Obeidi as a member of the Commission on Human Rights, which worked specifically to obtain the approval of the President of the Parliament in 2015, as well as the United Nations Office in Iraq, and today completed this effort with the consent of the Iraqi government to be there A national day against sexual violence during armed conflict. This decision is a precedent for Iraq among the countries of the region


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