الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi Journalists Women IWJF they hold an awareness seminar about the relevance of the law on the reduction of domestic violence

Iraqi Journalists Women IWJF they hold an awareness seminar about the relevance of the law on the reduction of domestic violence

Iraqi Journalists Women IWJF they hold an awareness seminar about the relevance of the law on the reduction of domestic violence

Baghdad: IWJF

Within the activities of the Shahrazad Project, Iraqi Women Journalists Forum hold In cooperation with the law sector in the Arab Union for Specialized Women- Branch of Iraq at Sunday 7 June 2017, seminer about the low project on the (Reduction of Domestic Violence) in the presence of the Director-General of Department of NGOs Dr.Mohammed Al-Tammimy and the representative of UNAMI and An elite of intellectuals, media professionals, academics and representatives of civil society organizations.

The seminar was opened by the Director of the Legal Clinic, The Legal Rajaa Abd Ali, with welcome to the introduction and Definition of the project Shahrazad and the role of the legal clinic in providing advisory services to women human rights defenders. Was followed by the speech for a Head of Journalist Women Forum She commended the project of Shahrazad during the three seasons of the legal clinic in the forum and its outstanding role in breaking the silence of women journalists and human rights defenders for the violence they are subjected to by employers.and Maamouri added to what was achieved during the last activity that the forum participated in the League of Arab States and signed a protocol of work with the Arab Union for Women specialized in the League of Arab States and obtained the official registration within the Arab Media Union.

Al-Maamouri concluded that the Iraqi women embodied the finest types of tournaments and will remain a symbol of giving and fighting, thanking the (Bridge to..) Organization and the solidarity initiative supporting the Shahrazad project.

Then present a Dr.Muntaser Al-Aydani A Head of Governance Organization for Public Policies Research paper entitled (The Missing in the democratic transition  … Policies to confront domestic violence) in which he discussed the most important theories through which government action can reduce domestic violence and improve the status of women By criminalizing domestic violence by introducing changes to the Criminals Law. And train police and service providers to work with women survivors of domestic violence, and Al-Aydani added that a Domestic violence has negative effects on women economically, socially and politically.

The second research presented by Dr.Bushra Al-Obaiydi A Head of the Arab Union for Specialized Women- Branch of Iraq (Domestic violence crimes in accordance with the Criminals Law), In which it referred to the crimes stipulated in Penalties No. 111 of 1969 and the articles related to crimes related to childhood, care of the minor, endangering the young and disabled, and abandoning the family.

Al-Obeidi also clarified Article 9 of the Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 (Which states that it is not possible for any relatives or non-cohabiting any male or female to marry without his consent and the marriage contract by force is null and void).

Dr. Bushra concluded her participation in the seminar that Presentation of the stages of women’s movement for the purpose of passing the law on the reduction of domestic violence and the meetings held in this regard and the questionnaire carried out by the Media Forum for the purpose of raising public awareness.

In his contribution, Mr. Mohammed Al-Tamim, A Director General of the NGO Department, he praised the role and efforts of the Iraqi Journalists Forum in focusing on social issues, especially with regard to domestic violence, expressing his happiness for the attendance and the clear interest of the participants, which reflects the professionalism of those involved in such activities.

The participants participated in the discussion and asked questions to the researchers, focusing on the need to establish a family court with an investigating judge specialized in violence, in addition to providing care for the violators and punishing the perpetrators. The importance of the role of shelter, activating the role of the community police and solutions for divorce cases, the importance of establishing protection centers for the violators, Human rights in the subjects of the Ministry of Education and attention to culture before the making of laws or campaigns.

This conference comes within the Shahrazad Services Project, organized by the Iraqi Journalists Forum in cooperation with the (Bridge to  …) Organization and the International Initiative for Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Society, funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss FI Foundation.




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