الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi women journalists discuss the impact of the security environment on the protection and safety of female journalists and human rights defenders within a research Focus group

Iraqi women journalists discuss the impact of the security environment on the protection and safety of female journalists and human rights defenders within a research Focus group


Baghdad – IWJF

As part of the activities of the Shahrazad project, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum iwjf- held a research Focus group on Friday (19 May, 2017) on (The impact of the security environment on the protection and safety of women human rights defenders) and in the presence of a number of active women, trade unions, academies women and Journalists from Baghdad and the governorates.

The workshop was opened by the President of the IWJF and the leader of the group Mrs. Nibras Al Ma’amouri welcomed the attendance and the definition of the research focus group and its purpose. Then Ms. Tabarak Wamedh, Project Manager Shahrazad provided a brief description of the project and its objective.

Researcher in security affairs D. Ali Abd al Aziz Al-Yasiri reviewed the research paper on(The impact of the security environment on the protection and safety of women human rights defenders, in which he addressed the challenges faced by women in general and active women in particular and the impact of the security system on them.

“Dr. Al-Yasiri added (The security environment is a system of foundations, values and activities run by the institutions concerned and strengthened by individuals according to the criteria determined by the agreed approach in the community To achieve the requirements of security and stability, and from them, plans and policies, which must be work on the development of the results to protect the citizen and the homeland.

He added: Many organizations have made great efforts and assumed responsibility for this issue, but therefore did not work on the development of a gender security strategy proposal according to the needs of the field in addition to the absence of the security institutions concerned from representation of real women

An important discussion took place between the participants, the researcher and the leader of the group about the body responsible for protecting women human rights defenders in case of harm, the security environment they need, how to reduce violations and how to develop a joint mechanism.

The research focus group has issued important recommendations that will be published as part of an extensive study of other related topics, to be a working paper for decision makers and international organizations. At the end of the activity, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants.

The Iraqi Journalists Women Forum activity is part of the Shahrazad project for its third season in cooperation with the Italian Organaization (Bridge to… ) and The International Initiative for Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Society and funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss FI Foundation.







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