الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi Women Journalists Forum and the College of Political Sciences at Baghdad University are discussing joint cooperation to reject hate speech and achieve societal peace

Iraqi Women Journalists Forum and the College of Political Sciences at Baghdad University are discussing joint cooperation to reject hate speech and achieve societal peace

The Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, met on Monday, March 1, with the Dean of the College of Political Science at the University of Baghdad, Dr. Batoul Hussein Alwan, in the presence of Dr. Anas Al-Azzawi, a member of the Human Rights Commission, to discuss the mechanism of joint action, especially with regard to the activities carried out by the forum in relation to the role of the media in reducing hate speech and promoting societal peace.

Al-Mamory reviewed the project implemented by the IWJF in cooperation with the German Embassy in Iraq in the matter of building the capacities of the media and civil society in how to monitor and limit hate speech, in addition to the study that it seeks to prepare in cooperation with the College of Political Science at the University of Baghdad and the High Commission for Human Rights on how to reduce Hate speech and achieving societal peace.

Dr. Batoul Hussein welcomed the initiative of the Forum to involve the college in the research aspect, especially with regard to how to reject hate speech and achieve community peace, and stressed the importance of joint work with civil society organizations, especially those working in the field of public policies and gender, and that the college is fully prepared for cooperation.

The meeting ended with the agreement of the two parties on the mechanism of joint action and another meeting to discuss the draft of the study and the subsequent steps of work. The meeting was attended by Dr. Adel Bedawi, professor of political science at the University of Baghdad.

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