الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi Women Journalists Forum participates in the Arab League conference on women in the media and transfers the experience of War Reporter during the battles to liberate Mosul

Iraqi Women Journalists Forum participates in the Arab League conference on women in the media and transfers the experience of War Reporter during the battles to liberate Mosul

Iraqi Women  Journalists Forum participates in the Arab League conference on women in the media and transfers the experience of War Reporter during the battles to liberate Mosul

Cairo : IWJF

On the  Arab Media Day, the President of  IWJF, Mrs. Nebras Al Mamouri participated in a research paper, at  the conference held by the League of Arab States in cooperation with the Arab Media Union on 4 May 2017 ,in the official League headquarters about  women in the Arab media.

The conference, which was opened  by H.E Ambassador Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, Head of the Information and Communication Sector at the League, opened with a welcoming of the participants and introducing the curriculum of the Conference and participating countries. Followed by the speech of His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, which reviewed the risks and conflicts facing the Arab countries, stressing that this puts the media in a difficult test and be safe in the transfer of what is happened now, and advantage of previous experiences.

Aboul Gheit added: “The issues of women are still absent from our Arab screens TV and the radio, Although the importance of women’s media because it targets the all society, especially in  armed conflicts time , and the exposure of women there, Stressing the importance of giving women issues a greater priority and work diligent and professional and real.The conference included several speeches, including the speech of H.E Ambassador Mervat Tallawy, Director General of the Arab Women Organization and Chairperson of the Arab Media Union, Ms. Asma Habashi.Where they stressed the role of women in sustainable development, and the importance of the media focus on the role of women working in all sectors,as she is a citizen who has rights and duties. They referred to the crimes committed against women in Iraq as a result of the terrorist operations and the situation of refugee women in Iraq and Syria and those responsible to take care for them, which was abused and stressed Habashi at the end of her speech on the importance of collective action to support women’s issues in general During the conference he presented research papers on Iraq, Libya and Egypt, where the President of the Iraqi Women Journalist Forum Mrs. Nebras Al Mamouri presented her paper on women in the media and the repercussions of armed conflicts on it. Al-Mamouri revealed through the research the heroic role played by women media in the battlefield despite the risks and challenges and the level of the sacrifices made, stressing that the experience of War Woman Reporter in Iraq must be example proud of the Arab women in the region as a whole, Al-Mamouri added that Iraq is the only country that issued a report on the conditions of women journalists on the occasion of the International Day of the Press through the report issued by the Iraqi Media Forum, calling on its colleagues in the Arab region on the need to avoid collective action to serve women issues at the national and Arab levels.



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