الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi women journalists participate in the international conference of democracy organization today

Iraqi women journalists participate in the international conference of democracy organization today

Armenia: iwjf

At the invitation of the International Organization “Democracy Today” with the presence of more than thirty journalists and women’s organizations from all over the world, the President of the “Iraqi Women journalists forum” Dr. Nbras Al-Mamory participated in the sixth international conference “Challenging Wars and Conflicts: Peace and war through the gender lens” held in Armenia from 31 May to 3 June 2018.

The conference was initiated by the head of “Democracy Today” organization, Ms. Gulnara Shahinian, in which she outlined the goals of the conference, the continuous work of the organization over the past years and the participation of women journalists in the activities held.

Ms. Gulnara added that the efforts of women journalists in all countries are exceptional, fulfilling the most courageous stances, especially in countries suffering conflicts, at the end of her speech Ms.Gulnara Introduced the Peace Prize for Young Women, which has become an official tradition and a cultural tradition, given to the most courageous women in the world.

The conference included speeches by diplomatic missions and international organizations, hailed the role of women throughout history, citing the experience of Armenian women Zabel Yesayan and other women throughout history.

Several topics were discussed during the conference sessions, such as the role of the media in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and the dangers faced by women journalists during their work in conflict zones, the role of international organizations and decisions in providing them with adequate protection, other topics discussed the professional ethics and the extent of media coverage of women matters and representation of female journalists in the management of press organizations.

At the first session of the conference, Dr. Nbras Al-Mamory the president of IWJF outlined the forum’s experience in monitoring violations and building the capacities of female journalists, and the advocacy campaigns adopted by the forum, explaining the experience of women journalists in Iraq and the challenges they face, especially with regard to discrimination on the basis of gender.

Dr. Al-Mamory concluded her speech by transferring the experiences of women journalists during the war on “ISIS” and the size of the risks they have suffered, and success stories recorded, stressing that Iraqi women, a model of courage and determination despite the challenges.


The conference included other activities, such as the presentation of documentary films and live testimonies of women journalists. The film “Scream” that was produced by IWJF discussing the child marriage was of great interest. The organizer of the conference and women participants from all over the world expressed their admiration for the distinguished work of IWJF and its ability to Lead influential media campaigns.

Women journalists from Burma, America, and Armenia were awarded the Peace Prize at the end of the conference for their role in covering events in danger zones, a closing speech by the President of the Conference Ms.Gulnara, in which she affirmed that the activities of the conference reflected the need for greater collective action to form a global feminist network to support women all over the world in a manner that is consistent with the developments of events witnessed by most of the world.


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