الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi women journalists participate in the meeting to write a gender strategy for Arab media

Iraqi women journalists participate in the meeting to write a gender strategy for Arab media

IWJF: Amman

The Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, participated in the international meeting organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Amman on Monday, 26 August, on gender in the media and how to write a comprehensive report on gender-based violence in the Arab region.

The meeting was opened by UNFPA Regional Office Chair Jennifer Mikol to clarify the purpose of the meeting and the most important issues to be discussed on gender-based violence in the media and the mechanism to reduce it.

The meeting included the importance of social media, training on reports of sexual violence during the conflict, the challenges faced by women journalists and human rights defenders, and the role of the media in combating gender-based violence according to the experiences of the participating Arab countries.

Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory reviewed the work done by the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, particularly with regard to the stereotypical image of women in the media and the tools adopted for the purpose of networking with other organizations.

Al-Mamory stressed the importance of benefiting from the experiences of other countries on gender in the media, and the importance of identifying indicators of the media gender strategy through examples and studies carried out by the Forum during the past years.

The meeting was concluded by the Director of the UNFPA Regional Office, with emphasis on networking and media strategy writing team and the collection of key studies and research undertaken by specialized organizations for the purpose of holding other consultative activities that mature the outputs of the constituent meeting.


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