الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi women journalists participate in the regional symposium of the French Press Agency on women and the media

Iraqi women journalists participate in the regional symposium of the French Press Agency on women and the media

Amman: iwjf

The Iraqi Women Journalists Forum participated in the regional symposium organized by the French Media Development Agency for the period 18-19 December, entitled “Women and the Media in Conflict Areas – Iraq and Yemen as an Example.”
The symposium, held in the Jordanian capital, Amman, discussed the experiences of media women in Iraq and Yemen as two countries subject to pressures and threats related to freedom of information and opinion through eight sessions divided over two days.

The Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, presented in the first session of the symposium a paper entitled “The reality of media women in Iraq”, in which she addressed the challenges and pressures facing media women in Iraq and the restrictions they face during her journalistic work in a difficult social, political and insecure environment in addition to her role in the October demonstrations and the success stories of female journalists, despite all the circumstances.
More than twenty media and activists from Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Tunisia participated in the workshop, in addition to the French organization that organized the symposium.

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