الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi Women Journalists Participate in Two Workshops for Preparing Male and Female Trainers

Iraqi Women Journalists Participate in Two Workshops for Preparing Male and Female Trainers

Amman: IWJF

The delegation of IWJF participated in two workshops for preparing male and female trainers, which has been held in Amman on 26-29 June, with the participation of a number of male and female journalists and activists from Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen and Palestine

The first workshop included monitoring and documentation and how to write reports, while the second was about digital security

The two activities were conducted separately from each other and in two different groups; and included practical training on the skills of the trainer, monitoring and documentation mechanisms, and how to provide greater protection and confidentiality of files, in addition to defining digital protection programs and their pros and cons

The workshops have been concluded with practical training in both disciplines for all training materials, and nominating the best participants who would later undertake training in their respective countries

The activity was held within the project of (Protection and Security of Women Journalists and Human Rights Defenders) and with the support of Alternatives Organization


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