الرئيسية / أخبار / Iraqi women media campaign to prevent Corona

Iraqi women media campaign to prevent Corona

The Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, launched a media campaign on the prevention of corona virus, on March 16, 2020 to raise awareness of the dangers of the Corona virus and how to prevent it

 The campaign included a demonstration poster, in which 5 well-known women journalists participated, in order to raise awareness and educate and prevent it through several illustrative points.

It is noteworthy that the forum organized many awareness campaigns related to human rights, children, women and health, and this initiative comes as an integral part of the media education work.


# Iraqi_women_journalists_forum


#Nibras_Almamory  #Batoul_AlHasan  #An_Salah  #Aseel_AlBayati  #Hiba_Majid

عن 2editor 2editor

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