الرئيسية / أخبار / Journalists and women activists in Musil discuss the situation of women in conflict areas

Journalists and women activists in Musil discuss the situation of women in conflict areas

IWJF: Musil

As part of the Women and Peace project, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, in cooperation with UN Women, organized on Saturday 3 August 2019 in Musil a seminar for the purpose of presenting the Forum’s study on (Women in Conflict Zones: Challenges and Solutions). To the member of the Nineweh Provincial Council for the Human Rights Committee Mr. Ghazwan Daoudi.

The activity was inaugurated by the Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists’ Forum, Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, with a brief explanation of the project and the activities carried out.

Al-Mamory reviewed the results of the field study conducted by the Forum in Nineweh, Diyala and Anbar, which targeted more than 500 women and the axes included in the study and the resulting, percentages, and indicators that included security, political, economic and social themes.

For his part, a member of Nineweh Provincial Council Ghazwan Daoudi welcomed the visiting delegation and pointed out that the problems and challenges identified in the study are realistic and an important material to be used in the work of the local government, stressing the importance of their application in the field, especially in areas that have witnessed a significant decline in the situation of women Time limit for starting work.

The seminar included a dialogue between the participants on the results of the study and the role of the local government in Nineweh and priorities for action through the coordination of the Forum in Nineveh, especially with regard to promoting women’s participation in the activities and projects carried out there.

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