الرئيسية / أخبار / a Seminar on “Role of drama in promoting women’s participation”

a Seminar on “Role of drama in promoting women’s participation”

Baghdad iwjf

The Iraqi Media Forum held a seminar on “Women in the Iraqi drama, the series of the hotel” on Tuesday, May 28, with the participation of a group of jurists, media professionals, politicians, media professionals, artists and civil society.

The seminar was opened by the Head of the Forum Dr. Nibras Al Mamory, she reviewed the stages of implementation of the project of promoting women’s participation in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Women in Iraq and the role played by the drama on this goal, referring to what was included in the scenario of the hotel series, which was recently shown in Al Sharqiya TV and shed light on the problems of society in general and women in particular and the challenges they face.

The scriptwriter Hamed Al-Maliki reviewed the history of Iraqi drama, the reasons behind the writing of this series ” the hotel”, the challenges he faced, the role seen by women journalists in the series and how to raise questions about the community of victims of both sexes, Stressing that women are the most affected victims and need community awareness in this regard.

Maliki concluded his lecture by mentioning the first path of correction is to announce the size of the existing social disasters such as trafficking in human beings and extortion, exploitation of women, and other problems.

Artist Enas Taleb talked about the role of women journalists in the series and how the fourth authority (Media) can be an effective means of change and mobilization of public opinion, Stressing that the participation of women in the change and correct the process is the first tasks that must be adopted by the decision-maker, and that the role of the Forum in the holding of specialized seminars in this area is very important.

Lawyer Tariq al-Mamory referred to the number of legal cases involving the victimization of women and that drama is a means of adopting community problems that require legal standing.

Mr. Taha al-Hashemi, Director General of Relations and Information in the Prime Minister pointed out that the problems dealt with the series caused a large reaction to the Iraqi families, And that the drama worked on the two sides first identify the problem and the second mobilization of public opinion in the search for a solution to the problem, pointing out that most of the Iraqi families after the series took care of problems were unaware and must be addressed in a calm and mature.

The attendance participated in asking questions and interventions and how to find a solution to the societal problems experienced by our society, The participants agreed on the importance of activating the role of the Iraqi drama through increasing production and involving civil society and jurists in identifying the main problem, In addition to the importance of creating a pressure group mobilized from the public opinion on the issues posed by the real drama, especially with regard to women’s issues, It was agreed that the forum would be a tool to create constructive dialogue with a group of writers and producers in how to invest the next production in a manner appropriate to the status of women and change the stereotype prevailing in the media.





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