الرئيسية / شبكة صوتها للمدافعات عن حقوق الانسان / “Sawtoha” network for women human rights defenders.. Founding and objectives.

“Sawtoha” network for women human rights defenders.. Founding and objectives.

The Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, in cooperation with personalities and friendly organizations on 23/12/2017 established “Sawtoha” network with the participation of 90 organizations registered officially from all provinces and Kurdistan region is considered as the first network for women human rights defenders in Iraq.

Network objectives…

Ensuring receiving all of the human rights in accordance with the Constitution, international pacts and conventions –

Support victims of human rights violations-

End impunity by ensuring legal accountability-

Supporting good governance and governance policies –

Contribute to the implementation of the charters and declaration of human rights defenders –

Human rights education and training –

Protection of human rights in general and in post-conflict areas in particular and make the right to defend human rights legally binding –

.Make efforts to recognize the legitimacy of the work of women defenders and human rights defenders and ensure their protectio –

Recognize that women human rights defenders are an integral part of the human rights defenders’ system concerning their rights and should be consulted regarding their security and protection

Use organizations affiliated with the network to work collectively as a lobbying force to mobilize against any violation of human rights and anti-violence, especially against women in general and human rights defenders in particular





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شبكة صوتها تصدر تقريرها الثاني عن المشاكل الاجتماعية والثقافية التي تواجه المرأة العراقية

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