الرئيسية / أخبار / Sawtuha network condemns kidnapping of Saba Mahdawi and calls on the government to release her

Sawtuha network condemns kidnapping of Saba Mahdawi and calls on the government to release her

Sawtuha: Baghdad

Sawtuha network for women Human Rights Defenders condemns the arrests, abductions and killings of activists because of their participation in the demonstrations that have been launched in Iraq since the beginning of last month, The latest was the kidnapping of activist and paramedic Saba al-Mahdawi, on Saturday night during her return to her home, in Baghdad by gunmen.

According to information received by the network, an armed group kidnapped the activist near the Hamza intersection in Bayaa, and transferred to an unknown place, in Zayouna, east of the capital Baghdad, and that the car she was traveling in is a white Hyundai Tucson with registration plates number 23505.

The network, through its monitoring and documentation of the demonstrations, indicates that the confiscation of freedom of expression and demonstrations guaranteed by the Constitution is a clear violation of human rights, especially that Saba Mahdawi participated in the demonstrations witnessed in Iraq since the beginning of last October, and contributed to collect donations and help the wounded.

Sawtuha network confirms that this is not the first time that activists who participated in the demonstrations have been kidnapped, Civilian activists such as Dr. Maytham al-Helu and Shuja al-Khafaji were kidnapped by an unknown armed force in Baghdad before being released later, and a couple known to support the demonstrations was the victim of an assassination in their home in Basra.

Accordingly, the network calls on the government and the security authorities concerned to disclose the fate of activist Saba Mahdawi and release her and to announce the parties behind the kidnappings, arrests and killings and bring them to justice to be punished.

Since the beginning of October, Iraq has witnessed large-scale anti-government protests, which lasted a week before resuming on October 25 and enter its tenth day, on Sunday, leaving 265 people dead and thousands wounded.

The demands of demonstrators range from services and jobs to change the government and early elections.


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