الرئيسية / أخبار / seminar on the role of Al-Anbar women in peacemaking and community coexistence

seminar on the role of Al-Anbar women in peacemaking and community coexistence


IWJF held in cooperation with the provincial council and administrative of Al Anbar province a seminar on enhancing women’s participation in conflict resolution and achieving community peace on 4th of April in AL-Anbar province.

The Head of IWJF Dr. Nibras Almamory reviewed the activities of the project, the roles, target areas and the mechanism of cooperation between the Forum and the local government in Anbar province. She also explained the role of the Forum’s coordination, Sawtuha network and the Committee for Peaceful Coexistence in the follow-up to the situation of women and the measures to be taken for the purpose of achieving community peace, particularly with regard to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and how to find effective solutions for battered women

A member of Al-Anbar Provincial Council Dr. Wissam Al-Rawi referred to the problems of women in Al-Anbar and how much they suffered, especially that there are more than 1453 families in Anbar didn’t received the salary of social welfare till now, and the results of terrorism that led to poverty and deterioration of the health situation represented by the spread of diseases of diabetes and pressure as well as cancer accompanied by High percentage of people with disabilities.

The coordinator of the IWJF and Sawtuha network for women human rights defenders in Al-Anbar, Mrs. Aya al-Mashhadani, showed the role of coordinator in collecting data of women who have been subjected to violence as a result of the armed operations and media campaign to be adopted by the media forum in the governorate for the purpose of raising awareness about women’s roles and ways of cooperation with local government in the governorate.

Dr. Ibrahim al-Janabi, member of alAnbar local government, welcomed with Iraqi Media Forum, and stressed that the provincial council has taken quick and urgent measures on displaced women and provide good living, “The challenge we face now is not related to the economic aspect or service as far as the legal aspect to match In order to ensure a decent life for women and children after ” ISIS”. Finally Al Janabi showed that they are ready to cooperate and promote community participation.

Mr. Athal Obeid Dhahi Anbar Provincial Council member, said that the Women’s Committee in the Provincial Council is ready to cooperate with the Media Forum and that they support the media campaign and future work which will be carried out in cooperation with the United Nations.

The participants participated in asking questions, interventions and discussions. Also the Committee for Peaceful Coexistence of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers participated in the seminar through attendance and participation in the discussion, in addition to the member of the Anbar Provincial Council, Mrs. Iman Al-Mashhadani.

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