الرئيسية / أخبار / Stay home campaign and the importance of quarantine

Stay home campaign and the importance of quarantine

The Iraqi Women Journalists Forum produced on March 19, 2020, a video clip, within the campaign “Stay Home,” and the awareness of the importance of quarantine, to combat the Corona virus. The video included the participation of a group of Iraqi women media professionals from various specialties, stressing the need to stay at home to prevent the epidemic.

The media women who participated in the video (Nibras Al-Maamouri, Rafif Al-Hafiz, Aseel Al-Bayati, Anslah, Sabreen Al-Sheikh, Nour Al-Majed, Ahlam Taher, Hussam Youssef, Muzdah Al-Mashhadani, Donia Ali, Madihah Al-Bayati, Enas Al-Mousawi, Rafaah Al-Maamouri, Valentina Yorsh, Anfal Naji, Nidal Nazim, Marwa Hussein)

To view the video, click on the link below

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