الرئيسية / أخبار / The bill of cybercrime threatens the freedom of expression .. The media are asking to amend it by consulting specialists

The bill of cybercrime threatens the freedom of expression .. The media are asking to amend it by consulting specialists

Baghdad: iwjf

On Saturday, 26 August, the Forum of Iraqi Women Journalists. Dialogue Seminar in Baghdad on Cybercrime Bill. The seminar was moderated by Ann Salah, who opened with the paper of the Legal Advisor to the House of Representatives Mr. Sabah Al Karbouli, where he reviewed the stages of submission of the project and the materials on which observations were recorded and what was reached by the Council of Representatives after the second reading of the project. The most important recommendations were the meeting of the relevant committees, legislation and laws relating to the contents of the project.

President of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum Ms. Nebras Mamouri said that the general objective of this symposium is how we can get on the path of amendment and change the draft in a way that guarantees the protection of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution stressing that the draft guarantees loose terms and can be characterized as a punitive law rather than an organizational law The concerned parties need specialized training in how to legislate and implement it There was a discussion between the lecturers and the audience, where Dr. Bushra Obeidi explained legal adviser to the forum, that the name of the law should be (Electronic Crimes Code) that this name is broader and broader because of the current time of crimes that occur through social networking sites and the result of This has resulted in the loss of the right to life of some of those exposed to the crimes of publication in social networking sites and extortion.

The director of media of the wisdom stream, Mr. Baligh Abu Kalal, stressed that the bloc of wisdom will not vote on this law because there is weak information in large government institutions, and Abu Kallal that before the adoption of such a law must be a development of the national strategy and there must be a possibility To deter electronic crime and spread the culture of citizenship. He concluded by saying that the adoption of the law in its current form will be similar to article 4 terrorism because it includes the prevention of freedom of expression and opposes it.

It is noteworthy that this symposium was held within the activities of the Shahrazad project in cooperation with Gesher to to …. Italian and the International Initiative for Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Society (ICSSI) with funding from the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss FI Foundation.


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