الرئيسية / أخبار / The Iraqi Journalists Women  Forum participates in a seminar on (The negative effects of the draft law on freedom of demonstration and peaceful assemblyt)

The Iraqi Journalists Women  Forum participates in a seminar on (The negative effects of the draft law on freedom of demonstration and peaceful assemblyt)


Baghdad – IWjf

The Iraqi Women Journalists  Forum participated on Friday, 26 May 2017, in a symposium held by the Association for the Defense of Journalists’ Rights on the negative effects of the draft law on peaceful demonstration and assembly held at the Cultural Center in Mutanabi Street.

The seminar, organized by journalist Fleih Jowari, gave a detailed explanation by the President of the Association, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Sarraji, about the implications of the draft submitted by a clear restriction on freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution, In addition to the penalties contained therein, which will result in many violations of public freedoms in addition to conflict with what is stated in the draft project with what is guaranteed by the Constitution and other relevant laws.

For her part, the President of the Iraqi  Women Journalists Forum Mrs. Nibras AlMaamori  explained the importance of awareness and education in the field of freedom of expression, which was stipulated in the Constitution through article 38 and what is currently being discussed about naming the project, Especially that the Constitution was clear in the definition of the paragraph on the law is paragraph G on the assembly and demonstration, Al-Maamouri she stressed the importance of focusing on education campaigns and awareness emphasizing the title of the draft law and be limited to demonstration and meeting in addition to focus on constitutional violations, especially as the Constitution is the pyramid of Iraqi legislation and therefore explain the other laws.

Mrs. Al Maamouri concluded by asking the press community and civil society for the importance of group work and the promotion of individual speeches and activities, which depend on the method of loss of the real effort of the specialized organizations.The participants discussed many of the paragraphs of the project and there were valuable comments and comments to Mr. Saeed Yasin representing the civil forum.


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