الرئيسية / أخبار / The journalists and “Sawtuha” network within the committee drafting the national strategy for the advancement of the reality of Iraqi women

The journalists and “Sawtuha” network within the committee drafting the national strategy for the advancement of the reality of Iraqi women

IWJF: Baghdad

sponsored by UN Women in Iraq, the team of national strategy preparation for the advancement of the status of women, has held on Thursday, August 29, in Baghdad, the first preparatory meeting; to discuss the methodology of the work of the team, and how best to develop the strategy is feasible in accordance to the past experiences.

The meeting, which was opened by UN Women Consultant Dr. Khadija Moali, included the definition of the objectives on which the strategy will be built for the years 2019-2022, in coordination with the secretariat of the national team of resolution 1325, as well as examples of strategies in the region and the extent to which they are adapted to national and international commitments.

The participants discussed the axes of the strategy and the most important indicators to be taken into consideration and the necessary time limit.

The Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, and “Sawtuha” network, suggested adopting the (Art of possible) in writing the strategy according to the methodology of preparing public policies, with the importance of defining the goal of setting a special media axis adopts awareness raising, mobilizes public opinion on women’s issues and eliminates stereotypes of women in the media.

The Committee for the Formulation of the National Strategy for the Advancement of Women was formed by an order from the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Dr. Dhikra Alloush, Chairperson of the Higher Committee for the Advancement of Women, Dr. Ibtisam Aziz, Department of Women’s Empowerment, Dr. Faten Al-Halafi, Member of the Human Rights Commission. and Dr. Atour Al-Musawi, Director General of the Department of Social Protection for Women, in addition to representatives from the Ministry of Planning, Migration, Displaced, Foreign Affairs, Health, Agriculture, Education and Environment, representatives of the National Security Adviser, the Iraqi Media Network, the Supreme Council for Women in the Kurdistan Region and community organizations Including Iraqi Women Journalists Forum and “Sawtuha” network for human rights defenders.

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