الرئيسية / أخبار / The meeting of the research team on the role of the media in reducing hate speech

The meeting of the research team on the role of the media in reducing hate speech

Baghdad: iwjf

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum held a meeting with the research team in charge of preparing and writing a field study on the role of the media in reducing hate speech and promoting societal peace.

The meeting discussed the working mechanism of the research team, the methodology, the design of the sample, how to analyze the data later by the concerned parties, how to coordinate with the academic authorities concerned with studying the conflict and the consequences of it, especially hate speech, and the mechanism for cooperation in this regard with government agencies in particular, and the meeting resulted in the distribution of work to researchers for the purpose of completing the study.

It is noteworthy that the activities organized by the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum related to the role of the media in limiting hate speech and enhancing the role of female journalists in promoting societal peace with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German diplomatic mission in Baghdad. The working group will include the Head of the Forum, Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory, the Director of the Governance Center, the academic Dr. Adel Bedaiwi, the researcher Nour Nabih, in addition to a group of students of the Faculty of Political Science.

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