الرئيسية / أخبار / The Establishment of Atwar Bahjat monument

The Establishment of Atwar Bahjat monument

IWJF: Baghdad

On Thursday, 18 July, the Director General of the NGO Department, Mr. Mohammad Taher Al-Tamimi, welcomed at his official office the delegation of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum to discuss the proposal of them on The establishment of a monument to the martyr Atwar Bahjat and the approval of the Department of Organizations that was officially announced at the Iraqi Media Day Ceremony last February, which coincides with the anniversary of Bahjat’s martyrdo.

Al-Tamimi discussed with the visiting delegation the mechanisms of implementing the monument and the logistics that must be provided, and the supporting and related bodies. He stressed the importance of highlighting the heroic role of Iraqi women and celebrating them in light of the great sacrifices they made

For her part, Dr. NIbras Al Mamory, head of the Iraqi Media Forum, praised the role played by the NGO Department and the exceptional efforts of its Director General in supporting activities and projects that serve the community

The two sides agreed on the distribution of work tasks to ensure the completion of the monument in order to suit the march of Iraqi women in general and media in particular

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