الرئيسية / أخبار / the Presidency of the parliament affirms the guarantee of freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution

the Presidency of the parliament affirms the guarantee of freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution



To complement the work of civil society organizations represented by the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum (IWJF) , the Civil Platform, the Network of Women Human Rights Defenders and the ICSSI, The suggestion to return the draft freedom of expression law to the government has been followed through the delivery of an official letter to the Presidency of the Parliament  supporting the proposal of the Committee of Culture and Information of the Parliament to delay the law.

 This promised the president of the House of Representatives Dr. Salim Jubouri to discuss this issue with the Iraqi government and its representative in parliament, Stressing that it is necessary to abide by the Constitution and maintain the gains achieved in the field of rights and freedoms.

It is worth mentioning that the civil society organizations announced their rejection of the draft suggestion for the project within the Parliament and held in this regard several meetings because what is currently contradicted with the suggestion submitted by the organizations to amend the draft freedom of expression law

 The draft was also intended to restrict the freedom guaranteed by the Constitution through  sanctions and conditions restricting freedom of expression, expression and assembly



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