الرئيسية / أخبار / The Statement of Civil Society Organizations on the Situation in the Province of Basra

The Statement of Civil Society Organizations on the Situation in the Province of Basra

Baghdad: Sawtoha

The people have suffered long decades of deprivation, poverty, dictatorship and domination and have given convoys of martyrs to obtain their freedom and restore their sovereignty, but the regime they dreamed of was not achieved by the political elites that ruled the country over the past years and continued their daily suffering to obtain the most fundamental human and constitutional rights, this is why, the oppressed people of Iraq have organized demonstrations raising demands that incorporated goals within the principles of human rights and fundamental constitutional rights that ensure decent living and emphasizes on improving the quality of life and the right to build governmental institutions to serve citizens within the measurable criteria of quality, gives the right to public control and accountability, and preserving and managing public funds in an efficient and fair manner, the fair distribution of wealth and financial revenues, in addition to an independent and capable justice system and a public prosecution that protects the rights of the Iraqi people.

The dear province of Basra is one of the most beloved provinces in which corruption was embodied in its ugliest forms and manifestations. Where thousands of citizens were exposed to poisoning due to unsafe water, full of chemical and biological pollutants and increased salinity, and became one of the worst affected provinces that was impossible to live in.

The people demanded their basic rights through mass demonstrations, which the federal and local governments did not withstand and was unable to suppress the free independent voices, this is why, they resorted to methods of repression and assault on demonstrators, and that was not all, as the authorities also used methods to distort the image of the demonstrations and protests that demanded rights, through accusing activists of things like espionage, making them at risk of liquidation by outlaws.

Therefore, the activists and civil society organizations condemn the attack on public property and we recommend the necessity of preserving it and emphasize the need to respond to the demands of demonstrators in our provinces, through the implementation of the following points during the formation of the government:


  • The formation of a government of national competencies headed by an independent personality whose task is to provide services and prepare for new elections within one year and take a pledge from its personalities not to run in the upcoming elections.
  • The formation of a national committee of independent personalities to prepare amendments to the Constitution and be put to the referendum after the completion of national dialogues for six months.
  • Cease the work of the provincial councils and managing the provinces by the mini-administrative councils that include the governor and the directors of the departments in the province.
  • In its first legislative term, the Council of Representatives commits to amending the electoral system in both parts, which are, the electoral law which is based on the system of small constituencies and the formation of an actually independent electoral commission that operates under the supervision of a judicial committee.
  • The formation of a specialized court to open cases of corruption from 2003 until presently, transparently and publicly before the media and public opinion is authorized to hold accountable those who were in positions of power and gained wealth on the account of public money.
  • Canceling the work by the quota system in the ministries and special grades, starting from the rank of Undersecretary of the Minister and General Managers, and choosing them according to specialization, experience and professional and moral biography.

And for the governorate of Basrah specifically, we demand the following:

  • Declaring Basrah as a disaster zone.
  • The resignation of the local government in Basra.
  • Forming a specialized court to investigate cases of corruption and violations against the citizens of Basra for the past 15 years.
  • Forming a local and international advisory council to improve the status of the province of Basra and solve the long term problems in it.
  • Stop going after and accusing demonstrators and peaceful activists of serious charges such as espionage and treason.

Directorate of the Civil Forum, September 11th, 2018



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