Baghdad: iwjf
The Iraqi Women Journalists Forum(iwjf), organized in Baghdad, on October 13-15 a first training workshop on the strategic use of media and digital safety for 24 female journalism students.

The workshop was opened by Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory Head of IWJF introducing iwjf project in cooperation with the Canadian alternatives organization and European Union. The main objective of the project was how to strengthen the protection and safety of female journalists and defenders of human rights, she also explained the activities carried out over a period of three years and subsequent activities.
The media Ann Salah trained in the workshop in three levels, the first included the ethics and principles of journalistic work and its tools and how to prepare the news professionally and objectively, and the second on how to manufacture and prepare the press investigation and a practical exercise to write simplified models of investigations and how to save the completed files, while the third level of training included Social media tools and effective communication skills.
The training was concluded with working groups that carried out various activities in how to write news and investigations, as well as how to deal with social media sites, The last day of the training was concluded on the distribution of various topics for the trainees on women’s issues for the purpose of preparing investigations on this issue to be published later through the Soutuha magazine .