الرئيسية / أخبار / Training workshop on EWS for Diyala activists

Training workshop on EWS for Diyala activists

Within the Women’s Fund for Security and Humanitarian Action project, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, organized a training workshop on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the Early Warning Mechanism, for the period 2-4 March, for 25 activists from Diyala Governorate.

The workshop in which the international trainer lectured, Tahseen Al-Zarkani, included training on the content of Resolution 1325 and the three pillars of the decision, which are protection, prevention and participation, in addition to training on what the early warning system and its components are, the implementation of international decisions, the possibility of knowledge of the danger, the mechanism of publication, communication and response capabilities .

The workshop also included the common issues of governance, effective institutional arrangements, community participation, gender and culture, as well as the main roles of local governments, international bodies and NGOs.


The last day of the workshop concluded with training on the data and information checklist, establishing organizational arrangements, identifying natural disasters and analyzing the vulnerability of societies, and how to store data and information and access to it.
The workshop included practical training for female trainees and participation in asking questions and discussion that accompanied the training material.

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