الرئيسية / أخبار / UN Women in Iraq and the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum conclude the project of (strengthening the participation of women in preventing conflict and achieving community peace)

UN Women in Iraq and the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum conclude the project of (strengthening the participation of women in preventing conflict and achieving community peace)

Baghdad : iwjf

Under the auspices of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, and with the support of UNWomen in Iraq and Women’s Peace Humanitarian Fund, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum held, on Saturday, January 30, 2021, in Baghdad, its final conference for the project( strengthening the participation of women in preventing conflict and achieving community peace), with the participation of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers represented by the Women Empowerment Department and the Non-Governmental Organizations Department, in addition to political, social, human rights and media figures.

The conference was opened with the national anthem and a speech by the Director General of the Women Empowerment Department, Dr. Yusra Karim Mohsen, through which she clarified the role that civil society organizations played during the writing of the second national plan and strategy that the Women Empowerment Department will adopt to implement the plan, in a way that promotes fair participation of women. The department’s support for the work carried out by local and international organizations, especially with regard to Resolution 1325ز

the speech of UNWOMEN by Dr. Ammar Abdul Qahar included a reference to the joint work carried out by the UN system and local organizations, in the matter of organizing workshops and activities to support the creation of a successful environment that guarantees protection and prevention for women in addition to empowerment in various fields with the need to take into account gender. Abdul Qahar concluded his speech by praising the role of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum, especially with regard to mobilizing public opinion and media activities that were characterized by sobriety and professionalism.

Head of Iraqi Women Journalists Forum d. Nibras Al-Mamory focused on a quick review of the activities that were organized in the four governorates (Baghdad, Diyala, Anbar, Nineveh) and their consequences over two years. Al-Mamory praised the volunteer role that accompanied the project and the contribution of famous personalities in mobilizing public opinion. The importance of the media plan accompanying the second national plan, and the forum’s role in preparing a gender strategy for the Iraqi media, appreciated the role of the representative of UN Women in Iraq, Mrs. Dina Zorba, and the international work team for the material and moral support they provided.

The conference included the presentation of the Nargis Diaries movie, which dealt with the issue of Yazidi women and the importance of legislating a law to protect them and be fair to them. The visual and readable activities included in the media campaign were also reviewed. The project coordinator, Samra Samir, explained the positive impact of the campaign, especially with the participation of the well-known artist Inas Talib.

As for the voluntary work that has been accomplished, Dr. Fadel Al-Nuaimi referred to his role within the project in treating 40 women free of charge who have been subjected to violence as a result of the conflict, explaining the psychological impact that resulted from their treatment, and the importance of expanding volunteer work and support for the activities carried out by the Iraqi Women Journalists Forumز

During the conference, a dialogue session was organized by the activist and researcher Nour Nabih, which included a brief review of the activity of building the capacity of journalists on gender and Resolution 1325 by Professor Saeed Yassin, and a brief review of awareness and education seminars on the challenges faced by women by the project coordinator in Anbar province Hajar Al-Abidi, As well as a brief review of the training workshops on early warning mechanisms by the international trainer Tahseen Al-Zarkani.

The conference was concluded with a brief speech by a member of the Board of Directors of the Journalists Forum, Ann Salah, through which she thanked the attendees and those who contributed to the support of the project’s activities, as well as the presentation of the volunteer work shield for the artist Inas Talib and the plastic expert Dr. Fadhel Al-Nuaimi from the Head of the Journalists Forum Dr. Nibras Al-Mamory.

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