الرئيسية / أخبار / UN-Women officially supports the restoration of the Ministry of Women

UN-Women officially supports the restoration of the Ministry of Women

IWJF: Baghdad

UN Women has formally called for its support for demands of the reinstatement of the Ministry of Women.

“The ministry should be rebuilt and built on this experience because of the need for a high-level political authority to care for women, and to work in a cumulative way instead of starting again in cooperation  with women in every political change.” said Dina Zorba, representative of UN Women in Iraq.

She stressed on “the need for a comprehensive body working at the level of the Council of Ministers in order to be able to influence positively on government policies and decisions in a way that serves women.”

She considered that “Women are able to unite state policies and efforts within the framework of a single mechanism with the ability to make a decision, as it will have its moral and economic benefits.”

It is noteworthy that civil society organizations have organized since last month a wide media campaign regarding the reinstatement of the Ministry of Women, With the participation of political, human rights and cultural figures.



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